Full form Of lord Sankar bhairav

*Full form of Lord Shankar Bhairav*
Once, sitting on the Mount Sumeru, going to Brahma, the Gods requested them to tell them indestructible elements. Mohit Brahmaji, without knowing the element, said, 'I am the Self, the unborn, the only God, the eternal devotion, the Brahma Ghor Niranjan soul, to create this world.

 I am the source of all your destiny, the absolutism, the absolute Self in the whole world. Brahma ji was such that Vishnu present in the Muni Mandal explained to him and said that by my command, you have become the creator of creation, how are you talking about your dominance by disrespecting me?

 Thus, Brahma and Vishnu started establishing their own domination and began to quote scripture in support of their side. Ultimately, when the decision to ask the Vedas came, then the four Vedas, who came in shape, respectively, expressed their opinion 6 thus -

 The Rig Veda - within which all the ghosts are contained and by which everything is propagated and which is called Paramata, it is a Rudra form.

 Yajurveda - through which we are also certified by the Vedas and who are worshiped with the full Yajna and Yoga of God, everyone is a Shiva.

 Samveda - which dissolves all the worldly people, who find the Yogi people, and as the whole world is published, it is a Trimbak Shiva.

 Atharva Veda- One who is interviewed by devotion and all those or sadhus are past eternal Brahma, they are only a Shankar.

 Vishnu refuted this statement of the Vedas, who refused to accept Brahma from Digvijay Shiva, Digambar Pitanwar Dhali Dhusarit Prem Nath, Quetta Dhari, All Vishat, Varpan Vahi, Nishanga, Shivaji. On hearing of the Brahma-Vishnu dispute, Omkar told Shivaji's light, Nitya and Sanatan Parabrah, but still Shiva Maya did not change the intellect of Vishnu.

 At that time, there was such a huge light coming in between the two, that the fifth head of Brahma started burning. Trishuldhari Neel-Lohit Shiva appeared there in those so-called illusory Brahmas, who called them as their son and asked them to come to their shelter.

 Shivaji was extremely enraged by the full details of Brahma and he immediately revealed Bhairav ​​and ordered him to rule over Brahma. Following the command, Bhairav ​​cut the fifth head of Brahma, with the nakhag of his left finger. The fearsome Brahma Shastras were recited while reciting Rudra, both Brahma and Vishnu realized the truth and both of them started singing the glory of Shiva. Seeing this, Shiva calm down and gave him two friends.

 After this, Shiva, because of his horrors, was also fearful of Bhairav ​​and Kal, due to the time of Bhairav ​​and immediately destroying the sins of the devotees, by giving the name of the evil hunter and making him the lord of Kashipuri. Then you said, Bhairav, you believe in these Brahma Vishnu and take the Brahma's skull and go to Varanasi by reciting it from its shelter. With the influence of that city you will be free from the sin of killing the Brahma.

 By order of Shiva, Bhairav ​​ji took the trunk in the hand as soon as he walked towards Kashi, the murder of Brahmana went behind him. Vishnu praised him and asked him a boon for not being fascinated by his illusion. Vishnu wanted to ask for the illusion of Bhairav ​​ji of Brahma killing, Brahmana murder said that he is following Bhairav ​​for being holy and free.

 Bhairav ​​ji, as soon as Kashi arrived, with the help of his hands, he drops and cramps and fell on the earth and since then the place has been named Kadalmokhane. By going into this pilgrimage, taking a holy pandan and dev-paternal self, man gets relieved from the sin of killing the Brahma

*भगवान शंकर के पूर्ण रूप काल भैरव *
एक बार सुमेरु पर्वत पर बैठे हुए ब्रम्हाजी के पास जाकर देवताओं ने उनसे अविनाशी तत्व बताने का अनुरोध किया | शिवजी की माया से मोहित ब्रह्माजी उस तत्व को न जानते हुए भी इस प्रकार कहने लगे - मैं ही इस संसार को उत्पन्न करने वाला स्वयंभू, अजन्मा, एक मात्र ईश्वर , अनादी भक्ति, ब्रह्म घोर निरंजन आत्मा हूँ|

 मैं ही प्रवृति उर निवृति का मूलाधार , सर्वलीन पूर्ण ब्रह्म हूँ | ब्रह्मा जी ऐसा की पर मुनि मंडली में विद्यमान विष्णु जी ने उन्हें समझाते हुए कहा की मेरी आज्ञा से तो तुम सृष्टी के रचियता बने हो, मेरा अनादर करके तुम अपने प्रभुत्व की बात कैसे कर रहे हो ?

 इस प्रकार ब्रह्मा और विष्णु अपना-अपना प्रभुत्व स्थापित करने लगे और अपने पक्ष के समर्थन में शास्त्र वाक्य उद्घृत करने लगे| अंततः वेदों से पूछने का निर्णय हुआ तो स्वरुप धारण करके आये चारों वेदों ने क्रमशः अपना मत६ इस प्रकार प्रकट किया -

 ऋग्वेद- जिसके भीतर समस्त भूत निहित हैं तथा जिससे सब कुछ प्रवत्त होता है और जिसे परमात्व कहा जाता है, वह एक रूद्र रूप ही है |

 यजुर्वेद- जिसके द्वारा हम वेद भी प्रमाणित होते हैं तथा जो ईश्वर के संपूर्ण यज्ञों तथा योगों से भजन किया जाता है, सबका दृष्टा वह एक शिव ही हैं|

 सामवेद- जो समस्त संसारी जनों को भरमाता है, जिसे योगी जन ढूँढ़ते हैं और जिसकी भांति से सारा संसार प्रकाशित होता है, वे एक त्र्यम्बक शिवजी ही हैं |

 अथर्ववेद- जिसकी भक्ति से साक्षात्कार होता है और जो सब या सुख - दुःख अतीत अनादी ब्रम्ह हैं, वे केवल एक शंकर जी ही हैं|

 विष्णु ने वेदों के इस कथन को प्रताप बताते हुए नित्य शिवा से रमण करने वाले, दिगंबर पीतवर्ण धूलि धूसरित प्रेम नाथ, कुवेटा धारी, सर्वा वेष्टित, वृपन वाही, निःसंग,शिवजी को पर ब्रम्ह मानने से इनकार कर दिया|


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