
Showing posts from April, 2020

* Rameshwar Jyotirlinga*

* Rameshwar Jyotirlinga* *रामेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग* There is a legend about Rameswaram Jyotirling. That when Lord Ram Mata Sita was going to Ayodhya after being rescued from the captivity of Ravana, at that time, he had rested on the way to Gandhamadan mountain. After resting, he came to know that the sin of destroying the sage Pulastya Kul is felt here. In order to avoid this curse, he should worship Lord Shiva's Jyotirlinga at this place and worship him.  After learning this, Lord Shriram requested Hanuman that he should go to Kailash Mountain and bring Shivaling. After getting the order of Lord Rama, Hanuman went to Kailash Mountain, but he could not see Lord Shiva there. On this he chanted Lord Shiva carefully. After that Lord Shiva was pleased and presented him. And completed the purpose of Hanuman ji.  Here Hanuman ji was delayed due to doing penance and pleased Lord Shiva. And wait for an auspicious time to establish Lord Rama and Goddess Sita Shivaling. Due to fe...

*Kashi Vishwanath Jyotirlinga*

*Kashi Vishwanath Jyotirlinga* A mythological legend is related to Vishwanath Jyothirling. The talk is about the time when Lord Shiva stayed on Kailash Mountain after marrying Parvati. But Parvati ji was aware that she had to remain in her father's house even after marriage. On this day, this wish of Goddess Parvati kept her wish in front of Lord Shiva. After listening to this story of his beloved, Lord Shiva left the Kailash mountain and stayed in Kashi with Goddess Parvati. And after coming to Kashi Nagar, Lord Shiva was established here as Jyotirlinga. Since then Vishwanath Jyotirlig has become the habitat of Lord Shiva in Kashi Nagar. *काशी विश्वनाथ ज्योतिर्लिंग* विश्वनाथ ज्योतिर्लिंग के संबन्ध में एक पौराणिक कथा प्रचलित है. बात उस समय की है जब भगवान शंकर पार्वती जी से विवाह करने के बाद कैलाश पर्वत पर ही रहते थें. परन्तु पार्वती जी को यह बात अखरती थी कि, विवाह के बाद भी उन्हें अपने पिता के घर में ही रहना पडे़. इस दिन अपने मन की यह इच्छा देवी पार्वती जी ने भगवान शिव के सम...

*ॐKareshwar Jyotirlinga*

*ॐKareshwar Jyotirlinga* Once Vindhyaprvata had been pleased with his austerity for many months of Lord Shiva, he performed his hard penance and Shankar ji saw him in his presence. And Vindhya asked the mountain to express its desire. Many sages and devas were also present on this occasion. According to Vindhya Prabhat's wish, Lord Shiva made two parts of Jyotirling. One named Omkareshwar and the other kept Mameshwar. Two types of Jyotirlinga are worshiped at Omkareshwar. According to another story related to Onkareshwar Jyotirlinga, Suryavanshi king Mandhata, God's great devotee Ambrish and Mukchukand had pleased God Shankar in this place with a strict austerity. On the name of that great man, the name of this mountain became the mountain of the mountain. *ॐकारेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग* एक बार विन्ध्यपर्वत ने भगवान शिव की कई माहों तक कठिन तपस्या की उनकी इस तपस्या से प्रसन्न होकर शंकर जी ने उन्हें साक्षात दर्शन दिये. और विन्ध्य पर्वत से अपनी इच्छा प्रकट करने के लिए कहा. इस अव...

Mahakaleshwar jyotirlinga

*Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga* The ancient story of the establishment of Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga is famous. According to legend, the king of King Arshabsena used to reign once in the state of Avantika. King Bharashbasen was another devotee of Lord Shiva. He used to devote most of his daily routine in the devotion of Lord Shiva.  Once the neighbor Raja attacked his state. King Brabasen succeeded in winning this war with his courage and happiness. On this, the neighboring king thought it appropriate to use any other route to win the war. For this he took the help of an Asura. That force was a boon to be invisible.  The monster used his unique wisdom to attack the state of Avantika. In order to avoid these attacks, King Warsabhasen considered to be worthy of seeking Lord Shiva. Upon hearing the call of his devotee, Lord Shiva appeared there and he himself protected the people. King Vrishabhasena requested Lord Shiva to remain in the state of Anvvataa, which would prevent any...

Hanuman avatar

*Hanuman Avatar* In general, it is believed that in connection with Sri Lanka, Sita came to Lanka while exploring and ending many monsters, including the son of Ravan. Then Meghnad, the son of Ravana, rescued Shri Hanuman from Brahmastra, and Ravana punished him to set fire in Shri Hanuman's tail. Then, with the same burning tail, Shri Hanuman stole the fire of Ravana in fire in Lanka. But behind the Sri Lankadah in the Puranas, the interesting story is attached on one side, due to which Shri Hanuman set fire to Lanka in Lanka.  Know that interesting story  Sri Hanuman Shiva is the Avatar. This interesting topic is related to Shiva. Once upon a wish of Mother Parvati, Shiva constructed a beautiful golden palace from Kuber. But Ravana was fascinated by the beauty of this palace. He went to Shiva with the help of Brahmin. He worshiped Shiva and Parvati for entering the palace and demanded that palace as Dakshina. Shiva donated the palace to the devotee.  After recei...

Shiv married

*Shiv married* Parvati returned home after completing her tenacity and told her parents all the story. Seeing the harsh austerity of his daughter-in-law, it was not the place of parents' happiness.  On the other hand, Shankarji sent the saptors to the Himalayas with a proposal of marriage and thus, the auspicious date of marriage was decided.  After the wedding date was fixed by the Saptari people, Lord Shankarji respected all the Gods to join all the Gods in marriage and ordered his Ganesha to prepare for the procession.  Very pleased with his order, the chairpersons of Ganeshwar Shankharna, Kekra Raksh, Viktit, Visakh, Vikitanan, Dundh, Kaval, Kundak, Kakpadodar, Madhuping, Pramath, Virbhad etc. took their own Ganas together.  Nandini, Regional, Bhairav ​​etc. also came out with counting-grade counties. These were all three eyes. The moon and throat were blue icons on everybody's head. All were wearing Rudraksh jewelery. Everything was thoroughly burnt on...

51 shaktipeeths

*Establishment of such 51 Shaktipeeths* Lord Shiva was married to Sati, daughter of Brahma's son Prajapati Daksh. After some time, Daksh was made the supreme ruler of the whole universe. From this, the pride has become proud. He started to think himself the best. In a yajna, Lord Shiva said that he did not bow down to himself and said that he would make many abuses. Daksh cursed Shiva that he would not get his share in Dev Yagya.  Hearing this, Nandy also cursed Daksh that the mouth from which he is condemning Shiva will be of goat.  After some time, Dak organized a grand yagya. All the gods and goddesses were called in, but the arrogant Ecclesiastical excommunicated Shiva with that sacrifice. Somehow Sati got this knowledge, then he asked Shiva to allow him to go to that sacrifice. At first Shiva explained to him but when he did not accept, he allowed Sati to go there. When Sati arrived at his father's house, the vigilant turned his eyes away. In Sati Yagna, he became a...

The rudra form of Shiva is virbhadra

*The Rudra form of Shiva is Virbhadra* This incarnation happened when the son of Brahma Daksh organized a yagya but did not call Lord Shiva in it. While Satti, daughter of Daksh was married to Shiva. On knowing the sacrifice, Sati also asked to walk there but Shiva refused to invite without invitation. Still Sati insisted on leaving alone alone. When he saw Shiva's insult and humiliation at his father's house, he was also angry and he jumped into the yagya wadhiidhi and renounced his body. When Lord Shiva came to know this, he uprooted a jata from his head in anger and thrown him on the mountain ragingly. Mahabhanikar Virbhadra was revealed from the forearms of that jata.  It is also mentioned in scriptures-  Furious: Best Practices: Suddenly, Tigrrochants  Uttrishya Rudra: Sahasostitheo Hassan Gribnina Nahin, I  Tetocyte breastbucus splinter - Shrimad Bhagwat - 4/5/1  That is, sadly, after leaving the life of Sati, sad Lord Shiva took a formidable l...

Full form Of lord Sankar bhairav

*Full form of Lord Shankar Bhairav* Once, sitting on the Mount Sumeru, going to Brahma, the Gods requested them to tell them indestructible elements. Mohit Brahmaji, without knowing the element, said, 'I am the Self, the unborn, the only God, the eternal devotion, the Brahma Ghor Niranjan soul, to create this world.  I am the source of all your destiny, the absolutism, the absolute Self in the whole world. Brahma ji was such that Vishnu present in the Muni Mandal explained to him and said that by my command, you have become the creator of creation, how are you talking about your dominance by disrespecting me?  Thus, Brahma and Vishnu started establishing their own domination and began to quote scripture in support of their side. Ultimately, when the decision to ask the Vedas came, then the four Vedas, who came in shape, respectively, expressed their opinion 6 thus -  The Rig Veda - within which all the ghosts are contained and by which everything is propagated and...